Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Black Friday Deals are Here - Are You Protected from Identity Theft?

Black Friday deals are here and the question is....Have you properly protected yourself from Identity Theft?

Black Friday deals are everywhere.  From brick and mortar retail giants like Walmart to the huge online shopping experience with Amazon.  It seems you just can't seem to get away from all the Black Friday Deals.  Some say that this is the best time of year to get the very best deals.  One group of people that would definitely agree with that statement is identity thieves.

Click here for a Quick Video on Protection from Identity Theft

Identity theft affects millions of people each year.  Identity Theft is the #1 consumer complaint filed with the Federal Trade Commission for over 15 consecutive years.

There are 5 major forms of identity theft:

  • Criminal -  Using stolen IDs as personal identification during an arrest.
  • Social SecurityUsing a victim’s Social Security number to obtain employment or commit tax fraud.
  • MedicalUsing personal information to make medical insurance Medical claims.
  • FinancialAccessing financial information or obtaining credit using someone else’s ID.
  • SyntheticUsing multiple victims’ ID or information to create another identity.
Over the next couple of weeks millions of consumers will expose their private financial information to companies that have already publicly admitted to being hacked by identity thieves.  Exposing your private information to these companies is like playing a game of Russia Roulette with your information if you don't have adequate protections.  Many consumers falsely think that they don't have to worry about identity theft because they believe that their bank will keep an eye on their financial interest.  In reality banks only monitor accounts with their banks.  All other forms of identity theft is not covered and exposes consumers to all kinds of dangers.

Experts find the best way consumers can protect themselves from identity theft is to be proactive.  One program that is becoming more and more popular is IDShield.  IDShield provides privacy and security monitoring, consultation, and Comprehensive Identity Restoration from Kroll.

Click here for more information on IDShield

In the unfortunate event something does happen to your identity during this Black Friday season, IDShield will supply the professional help you need in order to have your identity restored to what it was before the fraud occurred.  IDShield has plans for both individuals as well as people with families at an affordable price.

To sign up today and protect your identity, click here

Being proactive against identity theft greatly reduces your risk against loss.  Please stay safe this holiday season.

Daniel C. Lewis is known across the country as an identity theft expert.  He was named in by the National Notary Association as the 2010 National Notary of the Year.  He was also named that same year by the Indiana Secretary of State as an Honorary Secretary of State.  Daniel is currently serving as the President of the Indiana Notary Association.  Daniel is a entrepreneur, writer, video editor, and was the Executive Director of the radio show "We Are Too Smart To Live Like This"