Thursday, December 4, 2014

What are the Top Health Insurance Companies in Indiana

This is a complex question with many variables.  As an individual consumer, some of the things you want to look at when looking for a good carrier, are the choices of benefits as well as networks they provide.  For example, if you are under age 65 and looking for coverage, you want to be sure the insurance company you choose, has doctors they cover in the area you live. The networks that a health insurance company select may narrow as you look on and off the exchange.  

Secondly, its important to know if the programs they offer covered both on and off the exchange.  If the company does not offer programs on the exchange and you are eligible for a subsidy, you will not qualify for the subsidy if you purchase outside the exchange.

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As an employer, you want to be sure that a health insurance company offers a wide variety of programs and that most of the plans offered are withing the area's where your employees reside.

Health insurance is one of those personal tailored choices that is so critical for continued high quality of life.  Viewing your choices as a consumer could be the most important decisions of your life.  

Having a health insurance agent that is licensed to work on and off the exchange can be beneficial.  They have knowledge to help you with a reputable health insurance company in your area, while simplifying our choices.  They can also provide service and support to help you with your plan after you enroll.  

A licensed Health Insurance Agent will help guide you through the maze of health insurance.  Saving you time, money and help you understand what benefits will suit your needs best.

For more information on discussing your health care needs click here.

Monday, October 6, 2014

How to Get Health Insurance in Indiana

Finding the right Health, Vision and Dental Insurance can be a real headache.  It is like going through a maze of red tape when you are trying to find programs that include your current doctors, to finding a truly affordable health plan.  Wouldn't it be great to have someone help you find a plan that would fit your budget and simplify the process?

Indiana Specialty Benefits  is a health, vision, and dental insurance agency located in Carmel, Indiana.    We can assist individuals, seniors and small companies find affordable insurance programs that can fit the your needs and the needs of your family. We have been helping successful business entrepreneurs obtain proper health insurance for quite sometime.  

Indiana Specialty Benefits can help you take the puzzle out of health benefits.  We are licensed Agents.  We also are certified to educate consumers on Medicare & Medicaid Services. 

  • Receive Free Health, Vision and Dental Consultation
  • Years of experience with an Insurance Professional
  • Easy and simplified process
  • Enrollment Process Made Easy
  • Help with finding a Health Plan that will meet your budget

If you are a small business owner, individual under age of 65, or senior over the age of 65 please contact Indiana Specialty Benefit at 317 403 1282 or email Daniel C. Lewis directly at  Make sure to put "Health Benefits" in the subject line.  

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Wednesday, January 8, 2014

One Size Doesn't Fit All

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Many people have this conception of what the “normal” yoga instructor should look like.  We are all tall and very lean, no more than a size 2.  We can tie ourselves into the ever popular pretzel and pull our legs up behind our heads.  Well, I am here to tell you that that is not always true.  When I stand in front of my classes there are many times that I am one of the “bigger” girls in the room.  I wear a size 12 and am proud of my body.  I can teach an amazing yoga class even though I am not the perfect size 2. I am strong in both body and mind. I leave it all on my mat.

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After one of my classes, a young yogi came up to me and paid me the biggest complement of my teaching career.  She told me that it was refreshing and inspiring to stand in a class where the teacher isn’t that size 2.  She said she felt more comfortable in my class than she ever had in any other.  She had been considering giving up yoga because she felt out of place, but now is a regular. She sees the way that yoga is changing her life and is grateful every time she has the opportunity to practice.

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So many times we forget that people come in all different shapes and sizes.  There are the young and old, the strong and the weak, those that are heavier and the very thin. All sizes and shapes need to be embraced and welcomed.  We all suffer from the same condition, the human condition.  We have all been created equal and the yoga mat is the perfect place to reflect on this.  Be one with the mat. Love yourself for all of your traits. They are you in your purest form.  Embrace them.  I know I have come to embrace my size 12 body and love every inch of it.  

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

New Year Mind / Body Push

With the start of the New Year here it is inevitably that everyone sits down to make their list of New Year’s resolutions.  We have all made these lists of resolutions, but how many of us can say that we actually were able to stick to them?  I know when I create these lists of resolutions, I always have great aspirations. Individually some of the goals might be obtainable, but collectively they can be overwhelming. For example, I want to be happier, lose weight, be healthier, workout more, and become stronger.

Does this list look familiar?

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So this year let’s make these goals obtainable.  I have one word for you…YOGA.  

The ancient practice of yoga has the power to make all five of those goals happen and you only have to add one thing to your already long list of things to do.

Be healthier…When practicing yoga on a regular basis you become so much more in tune with your body and its needs that you automatically begin being more mindful of what you are putting into your body, the thoughts you are thinking, and the actions that you are taking.

Be stronger…Although yoga is a series of postures and stretches it is also a way to really strengthen your body.  It requires both mental and physical strength and when practiced regularly you will be amazed by the changes it creates within your body.

Workout more… Yoga can be cardiovascularly challenging and create heat throughout your body which can strengthen your heart and improve your overall health.

Lose weight…When we are more aware of our bodies and the environments we find ourselves in we are much more likely to watch what we eat.  This can assist in making sure everything we put into our mouths not only sustains our physical body, but helps promote a healthy body composition.

Be happier…When we feel healthier, are stronger, workout more, and lose weight, a more enjoyable lifestyle often follows. Connecting to your inner self through working to slow down, if not still, the mind is a very effective way to free the soul and break out the happier you.

A yoga practice doesn’t have to be a major time commitment. Start with one class a week and commit to 8 weeks. This will allow your body and mind to go through this transformative process.  Finally, the most important aspect of this journey…  Have Fun!!! - 800-355-5555 - all concert, theatre, sports tickets nationwide!